Spinach plants growing in neatly lined rows. Spinach and other botanicals grown for Nutrilite™ products can be traced back to the source. Rancho El Petacal, Jalisco, Mexico. 2020.
Traceability has been a guiding light for the Nutrilite™ brand ever since my father bought his first farm over 80 years ago. And for good reason. It builds trust. He was eager for customers to know where their Nutrilite supplements came from, where he grew the plants used for his products, and how his sustainable farming practices meant his plant concentrates were second to none. His customers could be confident in their purchase because of that level of trust. It’s the proverbial “overnight success” that took decades of hard work to achieve that few people know about. Until now.
Sitting next to a life-size statue of my father Carl F. Rehnborg. It’s easy to see why it’s a favorite photo stop for visitors at the Nutrilite Health Institute. The statue was inspired by his famous “Pepper Tree Talks” and his many conversations filled with visionary ideas. Buena Park, California. March 2017.
I’m often asked about the bronze statue of my father at the entrance of the Nutrilite Health Institute. He sits on a bench, under the shade of a tree, with his journal and glasses in hand, gazing into the distance as if reflecting on a thought. The statute is a tribute to his famous “Pepper Tree Talks” at our Hemet farm in the early days. But to me, it represents so much more. Continue reading My Father’s Real Super Power→
Field researcher Jessica Corcoran walks the echinacea field at Trout Lake West and Principal Research Scientist Dawna Venzon, PhD, RD, reviews literature in the lab. Hundreds of employees work together to ensure Nutrilite™ brand supplements are pure, safe and effective.
One of the most popular topics on my blog surrounds our traceability program. If you’re unfamilar with our traceability program, it’s a meticulous nine-step process that helps ensure our products are pure, safe and effective.
Traceability is more important than ever, so it’s worth revisiting. Consumers continue to demand information about the supplements (and foods) they consume. And, they should. They deserve to know what happens to a product before they buy it. It’s all part of making an informed decision. Our traceablity program not only makes that decision easier, it also helps consumers feel confident about the supplements they use every day. For this reason, I thought a quick refresher was in order.
Field researcher Jessica Corcoran walks the echinacea field at Trout Lake West and Principal Research Scientist Dawna Venzon, PhD, RD, reviews literature in the lab. Hundreds of employees work together to ensure Nutrilite™ brand supplements are pure, safe and effective.
Food safety has been making headline news these days in a big way. Stories about food recalls and other safety issues compete with those uncovering food adulteration and food fraud. Is it any wonder consumers are demanding more information about the foods (and supplements) they consume? Companies not used to this level of scrutiny are scrambling to regain the confidence of consumers who demand to know one simple thing: What happened to a product before they bought it?
Dr. Sam Rehnborg inspects an Echinacea crop that thrives under sustainable farming practices and a microclimate of rich, organic soil, clean air and sunny days. Trout Lake West, WA; 2013.
The Nutrilite philosophy is part of my DNA, and spending a lifetime sharing it has been one of my greatest joys. In the coming months, I’ll be focusing on stories that shine a spotlight on the action behind the Nutrilite label as well as lessons learned from my life adventures. My goal remains the same. I want to help you be your best self. After all, that’s what the Nutrilite brand is all about.