Category Archives: Optimal Health

One Smart Way to Get Omega-3’s from Plant Foods

A pile of flaxseeds. These tiny seeds are a rich source of ALA omega-3 fat made more bioavailable with proper processing.
A pile of flaxseeds. These tiny seeds are a rich source of ALA omega-3 fat made more bioavailable with proper processing.

As many of you know, I’m a fan of omega-3 fatty acids, mostly because they deliver a wide range of benefits for both your body and brain. These special fats promote healthy blood flow so that oxygen as well as nutrients can be delivered to your heart, brain, muscles and other organs and tissues throughout your body. These fats even wiggle into cell membranes to help keep them flexible enough to take up nutrients, expel metabolic byproducts, and trigger cell signaling pathways critical for health. Plus, omega-3 fats help maintain the body’s inflammation response mechanisms. And, the list goes on. Continue reading One Smart Way to Get Omega-3’s from Plant Foods

Taking a Deep Breath

A babbling brook surrounded by lush trees on one of my favorite nature trails. Getting outside in nature is a great way to slow down and destress. Telluride, Colo. June 2021. Photo: F. Rehnborg
A babbling brook surrounded by lush trees on one of my favorite nature trails. Getting outside in nature is a great way to slow down and destress. Telluride, Colo. June 2021. Photo: F. Rehnborg

There’s lots of uncertainty these days, it’s almost become a given in our lives. So, it’s no wonder people are feeling pressure.

We face constant daily stressors that can negatively impact our well-being if we don’t learn how to navigate our way through them or avoid them altogether. Because without a way to overcome the influence stress has on our bodies, our lives will become less vibrant and less meaningful – and, frankly, shorter. Continue reading Taking a Deep Breath

A Better Microbiome for Women’s Health

National Women’s Health & Fitness Day falls on September 29th, making this month a great time to focus on women’s health.
National Women’s Health & Fitness Day falls on September 29th, making this month a great time to focus on women’s health.

Over the last two decades, researchers have made incredible progress in their ability to characterize the bacterial community in the gut and understand the active role this microbial community plays in metabolism, immune defense and other aspects of health. More recently, they’ve turned their attention to the important link between the microbiome and women’s health. Continue reading A Better Microbiome for Women’s Health

A Healthy Body Weight Starts Here

Wheat, soy beans and yellow peas. Swapping out animal-based protein sources (such as meat, poultry and dairy) for plant-based ones (such as grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds) may help you on your journey towards a healthier you.
Wheat, soy beans and yellow peas. Swapping out animal-based protein sources (such as meat, poultry and dairy) for plant-based ones (such as grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds) may help you on your journey towards a healthier you.

There’s no debate that if we are to feed the growing global population—now approaching 7.9 billion—we need a more sustainable approach to food production. Our moon shot, say the experts, is a flexitarian diet, a largely plant-based diet with a moderate amount of animal-based foods. (For more details, see my post on the flexitarian diet.)

But just how flexible do we need to be to improve diet quality and to make a meaningful difference in our personal health? Continue reading A Healthy Body Weight Starts Here