Category Archives: Optimal Health

The Real Reason Your Gut Bacteria Matter

A diet rich in a variety of plant foods helps bring balance to your gut bacteria, which promotes optimal health.

It’s hard to miss the headlines these days about the newest darling of the research world: gut bacteria. These microscopic cells reside in the human intestine in a big way, in the trillions by recent estimates. A growing body of research shows that keeping this bacterial community in proper balance has serious health benefits from a strong immune system to a positive mood to a healthy body weight and beyond. This balancing act fascinates me for two reasons. Not only does it have a profound potential for human health, but it adapts, often rapidly, to simple dietary changes. So we can add one more advantage to making smart choices about the foods and supplements we consume. We can dramatically change our gut bacteria– and health – for the better.

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Success Starts with this Morning Routine

Francesca, Koral and I gather with the group, including some of the best caddies in the game, to mark the completion of our first of 37 rounds of golf while on vacation. Sunningdale, England, June 2018.

Francesca and I just returned home from an amazing six-week vacation. We visited with family and friends, old and new, fly fished, bird watched, and even traveled down the Shannon River, but I would have to say this vacation was all about golf or more precisely GOLF. From our first round in Sunningdale, England, to our last one in Ireland at the Old Head Golf Links, we conquered 37 rounds on 37 different courses. My mind is still spinning on how we did it. I suppose it was a combination of some of the best caddies in the game, a little luck, and one morning routine that I would never leave home without.

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Blue Secrets for Healthy Aging

With walking pole in hand and feeling strong, I’m ready to climb one of my favorite trails in the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. The spectacular ridgeline view of the southern California coastline is a welcome treat for my efforts. Laguna Beach, CA, June 2017. Photo: F. Rehnborg
With walking pole in hand and feeling strong, I’m ready to climb one of my favorite trails in the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. The spectacular ridgeline view of the southern California coastline is a welcome treat for my efforts. Laguna Beach, Calif., June 2017. Photo: F. Rehnborg

Have you heard of the Blue Zones? These seemingly disconnected regions around the world have one thing in common: people not only frequently live to over 100, but they do so while staying happy and healthy. The scientist in me is eager to learn more about this interesting phenomenon. The 81-year-old man in me wants to know exactly what is at the root of this amazing level of living. After all, I can certainly think of plenty of adventures to fill the next 20 years of life, and it’s a good bet you can too. The Blue Zones just may teach us something about living longer, better. Continue reading Blue Secrets for Healthy Aging

We’re Off, Powered by Friendship

The Double X sails under the Golden Gate Bridge on departure day with winds blowing at 20-25 knots, making for an exciting beginning to our journey to the South Seas. San Francisco, Calif., July 16, 2016. Photo: C. Woods
The Double X sails under the Golden Gate Bridge on departure day with winds blowing at 20-25 knots, making for an exciting beginning to our journey to the South Seas. San Francisco, Calif., July 16, 2016. Photo: C. Woods

Winds at 20-25 knots added to the excitement of the first day of our South Sea adventure. Cutting through the waves as we sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge into the howling wind made for some really wild sailing.

Els said it best: “Sam, you finally get a chance to see some real sailing by the Double X.” Continue reading We’re Off, Powered by Friendship