Tag Archives: climate change

Can A Solution As Simple As Healthy Soil Reverse Climate Change?

Two Amway employees extract soil samples to measure various soil health parameters. Nutrilite farming practices utilize natural, organic plant nutrition, avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals that destroy essential microbial populations and instead focus on building up good soil biology. Trout Lake Farm, Wash., USA; 2014.

The regenerative agricultural movement is increasingly taking center stage at global discussions of climate change, and for good reason. This could be a serious solution to reversing –  yes, reversing – the negative impact of climate change. I follow these efforts with great interest. To me, the movement is actually a revitalization of the natural farming practices my father so passionately embraced decades ago (and our Nutrilite farmers use today) to nourish soil and sustainably grow organic crops. This time though, the vision is grander. 

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A Climate Change Challenge

The control panel on the Double X records warm waters of 87 degrees Fahrenheit. This high temperature is unusual for this region of the Pacific Ocean. July 2016. Photo: R. Rehnborg
The control panel on the Double X records warm waters of 87 degrees Fahrenheit. This high temperature is unusual for this region of the Pacific Ocean. July 2016. Photo: R. Rehnborg

Save the oceans, save the world. It’s a message that could easily roll by on your Twitter feed. Simple really, a universal truth that has a gospel ring to it. I suppose all it needs is an image of our dying oceans to entice a second look. Yet, while a flyby tweet may get your attention, it takes a more thoughtful read to understand the complexity of climate change.

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