Tag Archives: Center for Optimal Health

Power Up Your Nutrilite Knowledge with a Virtual Experience

Nutrilite Virtual Experiences: The next best thing to being there.
Nutrilite Virtual Experiences: The next best thing to being there.

Over the past year, I’ve heard folks ask when tours of the Nutrilite Center for Optimal Health at our Buena Park campus will be starting back up. Our brand ambassadors are eager to return to in-person tours, too. I don’t blame them. Not only is it a great way to experience the rich history of the Nutrilite brand and see how we’re preparing for an exciting future, it’s also a lot of fun.

Until we open again, Holly Disney and the Nutrilite Experience team had to pivot. And, they did so in a big way with virtual experiences that allow you a behind-the-scenes view of all the action that makes the Nutrilite™ brand the world’s number one selling vitamin and dietary supplement brand.(1)

And, yes, it’s all from the comfort of your own home.

Tours from the comfort of your home

When Holly first took on her job as Supervisor of Nutrilite Experiences early last year, little did she know what would lie ahead. But she certainly knew how to adapt and how to be agile. She has over a dozen years of Amway experience in diverse roles from Research & Development to Regulatory to Business Intelligence to Strategy and Communications, so it’s easy to see how she’s a perfect fit to bring the best of Nutrilite to a virtual experience.

I have to say that Holly and team did a yeoman’s job with our new virtual experiences, and I’m excited for you to take a look.

The team now offers virtual experiences every week (Monday through Thursday). Join in, and you’ll learn about the history of the Nutrilite brand on a deeper level from one of our brand ambassadors. You’ll learn about the importance of traceability and how we track everything from seed to supplement to make sure our products are pure, safe and effective.

There’s also a session that we call Nutrilite 101. It’s an overview of our farming, science, manufacturing and other practices that, quite frankly, I think should be the benchmark for quality operations in our industry. Plus, each one-hour virtual experience includes a 30-minute question and answer period with a Nutrilite brand ambassador. So, you can ask about what matters most to you. In this way, every session is a little different and personalized to each group.

As a bonus, Holly thought this virtual learning platform would be a great way for our scientists, farmers and other experts to share their insights and innovations. So, each month, the team hosts a session with a different expert or thought leader.

How to participate

To view the tour schedule scan the QR code above or visit : www.amwayglobal.com/tour-amway/nec
To view the tour schedule scan the QR code above or visit : www.amwayglobal.com/tour-amway/nec

The Nutrilite Virtual Experience is available in four languages: English, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. To schedule a tour in your preferred language, you can check out the schedule here or scan the QR code to the right.

To me, these virtual experiences are an exciting way to get the important message of optimal health and the Nutrilite brand out to even more people around the world. There are so many things we all can do right now to embrace healthy living, we just need to take action. Participating in a virtual experience is an easy way to start.

Expanding our reach around the world

Ask Holly what she loves most about her new role in Nutrilite Experiences, and she’s quick to tell you. “Being able to help Amway Business Owners build their business is so exciting,” she explains. “The virtual  experiences have expanded our reach. In fact, it’s almost limitless. We are able to engage with an exponential number of guests with this program and no longer have the limitation of being physically present to experience our Center. It’s almost like we have unlocked a key. We are seeing repeat visitors and more visitors from around the globe.”

She’s also quick to remind you that the experiences are free, all you need is an internet connection.

Make no mistake, once the world opens up, we’ll once again be greeting you at the Center of Optimal Health in person. In the meantime, I encourage you to visit us virtually from the comfort of your own home.


Dr. Sam Signature

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1. Euromonitor International Limited; Vitamins and Dietary Supplements, World GBN, Retail Value RSP, % breakdown, 2019. Available at: https://www.euromonitor.com/amway-claims