Judging by all the online polls, it looks like getting healthy and living life to the fullest continue to be popular New Year’s resolutions, which I certainly applaud. If you’re among the millions who make this annual list, I hope you’ll add one more resolution: be more successful. What do I mean by success? The answer lies in a childhood lesson from my father.
In 1944, I was 8 years old living with my dad. It was just the two of us back then, living in a little one-room apartment in the Watts area of south Los Angeles. Dad worked hard and was so eager to turn his idea of a food supplement into reality that he even set up a small laboratory in the tiny apartment.
Dad faced enormous challenges in those early days with many trial-and-error failures before he developed the first NUTRILITE™ Double X™ Food Supplement in 1948. He was so proud of his accomplishment. Even then, he believed that one day this product would benefit people all over the world.
I have vivid memories during those early years of one special occasion when my dad put me on the back of his motorized Whizzer bike and off we drove down south to Newport Beach for a day of fishing. When the day ended, we were standing along the bow of the boat, admiring the beautiful homes that lined the bay. A group of fishermen nearby were talking among themselves, making snide comments about the rich people who lived in these homes and how they were born with “golden spoons” in their mouths.
I remember my dad pulling me aside and saying, “Son, please don’t listen to those men. They’ve got it wrong.” He went on to say, “The people who live in those homes are people who had ideas and turned them into reality.” He told me about a few of them who had developed big businesses in oil and other commercial entities. He said, “It’s important for you to know, Sam, that these big homes and boats are not the success that these people envisioned, they are just the trappings of success. The success was in building their businesses to great heights to the benefit of people all over the world. We’re trying to do that very same thing here with Nutrilite.”
In 2018 Double X™ Food Supplement will celebrate its 70th year anniversary. Over the decades, the product has evolved into a global leader, guided by our Best of Nature, Best of Science philosophy at every turn. Today, health-conscious people in 60 countries and territories around the world reach for their Double X™ supplement as part of their resolution to achieve and maintain optimal health.
How right my father was. True wealth is within us; it’s found in our drive to pursue what matters most to us whether its business, the arts, public service, or other endeavors. Achieve this, and good things are sure to happen.
Here’s to your success in the New Year!
With love,
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Hi Sam, I met you beautiful people at Rosses Point in Sligo, Ireland today and am so glad of your dad’s success. He seems to have been way ahead of his time. Maybe we will meet on the seas or on a golf course sometime.
Des (Francesca’s caddy)
Thanks, Sam, for sharing your Father’s advice and the great perspective he and now you have. It is encouraging and refreshing. Happy New Year.