I’ve often said that sharing the benefits of optimal health is the best business to be in, and for good reason. To me, healthy living is how you create the energy you need to make steady progress towards your goals. It’s where you find the strength to move around obstacles that may be holding you back. Plus, when you make health a priority, you’re ready for just about any adventure that life sends your way. But when it comes to helping others get there, it’s important to remember one thing: It’s not about you.
Lessons learned from a lifetime of sharing
I’ve spent a lifetime traveling around the world as a Nutrilite Brand Ambassador talking with people about the importance of healthy living and Nutrilite™ products. One thing I’ve learned from my travels is that, when you share the benefits of Nutrilite products, it’s best to meet people where they are at.
Sure, you may be excited to share the rich history behind the Nutrilite brand or talk about our sustainable farming practices and farm-to-supplement traceability, our impressive R&D efforts, or our manufacturing quality. I certainly am. After all, it all adds up to why people around the world consider Nutrilite products to be the best nutritional supplements around.
But for some people, all this good information can be a bit too overwhelming. For them, a gentle nudge with a healthy dose of fun may be a better approach.
That’s the genius of the newest addition to the Nutrilite family of brands: n* by Nutrilite™. The goal of this lively, new brand is straightforward: Meet people where they’re at with products they can experience wrapped in inspiring packaging to help them go after those small daily wins that make bigger things possible. I think Rich DeVos says it best: “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.”

Plus, the n* by Nutrilite brand keeps nutrition top of mind so it’s easier for a person to think about (and ultimately choose) more sophisticated foundational products to meet their personal nutritional needs.
And, when someone is ready to learn more, you can help.
It all starts by building your authority. Why? When it comes to buying unique, high-quality products, consumers prefer to do business with someone they know, trust and depend on. Double X™ supplement and other Nutrilite foundational products are no exception.
Build your authority, and you’re sure to be that person. Plus, it’s easier than you may think.
Here’s how:
1. Make it easy for people to get to know you.
Just about the easiest way for people to get to know you and understand that you’re serious about your commitment to health is to be a product of the product. When you use Nutrilite supplements, it’s a good bet that your energy and vitality will shine through to tell the Nutrilite story for you.
It’s also a good bet that people will want to learn more about your routine, including your dietary habits and why you take Nutrilite supplements. Be ready to share factual information. Learn as much as you can about the role of nutrition and supplements in maintaining optimal health. You’ll also want to learn about what makes Nutrilite products so unique, including our Best of Nature, Best of Science philosophy, that you won’t find in any other brand.

2. Make it easy for people to trust you.
People are more inclined to buy a high-quality product like a Nutrilite supplement when someone they believe in, someone they trust, recommends it, rather than because of any advertising. For this reason, you can have a powerful impact on helping a potential customer make the best choice for them, simply by earning their trust.

3. Make it easy for people to know they can depend on you.
Finally, you can help customers learn more about the variety of products the Nutrilite brand has to offer by delivering great customer service. Plus, satisfied consumers continue to buy from you and refer others to you. All because you are dependable. With great customer service, you can become a reliable resource known for helping your customers find the right products for their individual needs.
Now, who’s ready to add a little more fun to the serious business of healthy living? Please feel free to share how you help customers achieve their goals with Nutrilite supplements in the comment section below. I’d be interested to hear!

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