Returning to the South Pacific

Kicking back on a sunny day aboard the Firebird in typical attire: sunglasses, bare feet and swimsuit, Grenadines, 1978.
Kicking back on a sunny day aboard the Firebird in typical attire: sunglasses, swimsuit and bare feet. Grenadines, 1978.

On July 1, 1978, I sailed into Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, California, after circumnavigating the world on my 84-foot sailing boat, the Firebird. My then 11-year-old son Rod and his young friends were waiting for me on the beach wearing their cool Quiksilver board shorts. Continue reading Returning to the South Pacific

Welcome Aboard!

I’ll be blogging about our adventures in a couple of weeks.

The team is putting the final touches on the website, so you may see a few pages with “password protection” while they work behind the scenes until the site goes live on June 1st.

Come back and join us then as we set sail aboard the Double X in search of sustainable changes for a healthier planet.

Welcome to my blog on healthy living with the Nutrilite™ brand.