It has been a busy month as I hit the ground running … literally … with kids definitely on my mind. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to be a part of Kids Run the OC, an innovative program that encourages kids to eat right and stay active to avoid the consequences of overnutrition and obesity. Through the Nutrilite™ brand, Amway was a proud sponsor. Francesca and I were excited to participate and cheer on all the kids. You can check out all the photos on their website at www.kidsruntheoc.org.
10,000 kids and growing
Over the past years, I have watched this program grow from humble beginnings with about 50 children from one or two schools to over 10,000 young runners from 136 schools participating at this year’s event. The growth is quite impressive.

The event was so big this year that the one-mile race had to be scheduled in several heats. As each wave of runners crossed the finish line, the crowd sang the national anthem with a different twist each time. About 30 Nutrilite volunteers were on hand to help, and Francesca and I had great fun handing out the medals to the kids. I was so touched by the energy and efforts of all the children.
One of my highlights of the race was to watch the last runner complete the course. Many people were packing it up, but I wanted to stay. Slowly, but surely, this determined young boy not only crossed the finish line, but had a big smile on his face. It was just too cute for words, and I was so proud to be there to place a well-deserved medal around his neck.
Founders Council update
This month, I also had the opportunity to attend our annual Founders Council meeting in Vancouver, Canada. I always feel energized talking with Amway leaders at these meetings. This year’s event included invigorating business sessions, product demonstrations, nature tours and more. If the high energy throughout the four days is any indication, the Nutrilite™ brand and the Amway Opportunity are certainly primed for an exciting future. This year was especially gratifying for me as the events included a cause near and dear to my heart: The Nutrilite™ Power of 5 Campaign.
What is the Power of 5?
The Nutrilite Power of 5 Campaign tackles the other side of the nutrition coin, undernutrition. It is a powerful collaboration of people and organizations from all over the world, focusing their talents on helping prevent childhood malnutrition.
According to the World Health Organization, over three million children die every year from malnutrition, and those who survive often struggle with health and developmental problems for the rest of their lives. The Power of 5 Campaign tackles these issues in three important ways. First, it builds awareness of childhood malnutrition. Second, it addresses the critical need for proper nutrition during the first five years of life. Finally, it allows a way for everyone to get involved to help ensure young children around the world get the nutrition they need early in life so they can reach their full potential.
To me, the Power of 5 Campaign is a simple idea with profound results. I am so proud that Amway and Nutrilite™ Little Bits supplements play a key role. Take a look:
One supplement, so many benefits
The Power of 5 Campaign addresses the need for proper nutrition by providing a product called Nutrilite™ Little Bits. Developed by Nutrilite scientists, Little Bits supports the healthy growth and development of undernourished children aged six months to five years. Each serving provides 15 vitamins and minerals in a tea-size sachet of powder. These essential nutrients are designed to be taken daily with regular meals to help children increase energy levels, support learning abilities, achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, and generally provide nutrients necessary for children to live happy, healthy lives.
To be sure, Little Bits can help children not only survive, but thrive and grow. Add the Power of 5 Campaign with its energy and positivity, and I have no doubt we can reach even more at-risk children.
Benefiting even more kids

All around the world, more and more people from Amway Business leaders to non-governmental organizations to nutrition professionals and beyond are transforming the Power of 5 Campaign into a global movement that can truly make a difference in the lives of children.
In 2015, Amway set a goal to provide nutrition to more than 30,000 malnourished children by distributing more than 5 million servings of Nutrilite™ Little Bits. It was part of a commitment to support the United Nations’ “Every Woman, Every Child” initiative to end preventable deaths, including those from malnutrition. I am happy to report we exceeded this goal thanks to the efforts of so many committed people.
Just last year, on World Food Day (October 16, 2016), Amway announced a new goal: to raise funds and awareness to provide nutrition to more than 500,000 malnourished children by the end of 2019.
Nourishing future generations
Well-nourished children don’t just survive, they flourish. In the blink of an eye, they will be adults fueled by optimal health and prepared to contribute to a bright future. Getting involved is easier than you may think. To learn more, visit the campaign’s website at powerof5.nutritilite.com.
I know my father would be so happy to see where this program is going. Decades ago, back in the 1950s, he was working on a way to harvest plankton from the sea for use in a protein supplement to help those suffering from protein malnutrition, including young children.
The Power of 5 Campaign reminds me of the Ethiopian proverb, “When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.” I completely agree: When we work together, we can accomplish much.
Here’s to healthy children!
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