I have been in the business of health for a long time. A long, long time. I often joke that I was the first lab rat for the Nutrilite™ brand because my mother ate Nutrilite supplements when she was pregnant with me. As a kid and teenager, I would help my dad in his lab. After I finished college and graduate school, I officially joined Nutrilite Products, Inc. to work in the Research & Development department. As the Nutrilite brand expanded its global reach over the decades, my responsibilities grew. Today, as the Global Nutrilite Brand Ambassador, I am so proud to be able to help millions of people around the world achieve optimal health with the Nutrilite brand and inspire others to do the same.
You could say Nutrilite is part of my DNA.
I can’t think of a better business to be in than the business of health. After all, good health is the foundation that we all need to stay active and enjoy a fulfilling life with purpose. Plus, choosing the business of health perfectly aligns with my life’s purpose, which must be why it feels so great.
When you find your purpose – your big reason for why you do what you do – I can almost guarantee that you’ll make better choices in every aspect of life, including your health. What’s more, you’ll be more likely to stay committed for a longer period of time.

An easier way to live with purpose
Most people typically focus on what they do or how they do it. A better approach is to start with your big reason why you do what you do. This is your life’s purpose. It’s not your job, it’s not what you do, and it’s not the money you make.
The writer Mark Twain said it best: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
So I encourage you to take a moment now and ask yourself, “Why do you to do what you do?”
Is it freedom? Is it to provide a comfortable lifestyle for your family? Is it to help people live better lives?
Find your purpose, and you’ll be amazed at how life falls into place to help you achieve it.
More benefits of living with purpose
Living a life with purpose has serious health benefits. In one fascinating study, researchers at University of Michigan surveyed nearly 7,000 mature adults living in the United States about their purpose in life. Those in the lowest life-purpose category were almost 2.5 times more likely to die from any cause compared to those in the highest category. Purposeful living, in general, was defined as a self-organizing life that stimulates goals, promotes healthy behaviors and gives meaning to life. The findings are published in the May 2019 issue of JAMA.

Better choices start with your big reason
There’s no debate that staying healthy (or living with purpose) takes work. I wish I had a shortcut to share, but in reality, I work at it just like everyone else. I stick to my morning Pilates. I choose to eat healthy meals and eat my Nutrilite supplements. I make it a priority to keep stress low and restful sleep high.
To be sure, it’s a whole lot easier to keep at it because of my big reason why. In short, I commit to these habits so I can do one thing:
I want to have the energy I need to be fully present in all that I do so that I can inspire people to achieve good health to reach their full potential.
Of course, the Nutrilite philosophy fits in beautifully with my life’s purpose.
The success you deserve starts when you find your WHY
Go ahead, find your big reason why you do the things you do. Make it one that excites you about getting up in the morning, one that inspires you to take on new challenges, and the one that helps you to chip away at any obstacles that keep you from all the success you deserve in health, life and business.
We all have one life to live, why not make it your best?
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Well said Sam… Social isolation is a killer.
I believe there is a typo in your statement “Why do you (to) do what you do” which might confuse non English speakers.
Best wishes
Hi Reg,
Thanks for your message. We will forward on to Dr. Sam.
Thanks for your eagle eyes; we fixed the error.
Take very good care of yourself.
With kind regards always,
The Double X Crew
Thank you!