It’s hard to believe, the first leg of the Double X journey, crossing the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to the Marquesas Islands, is just three days away. I expect it will take us about three weeks to cross the ocean, but with all the wild weather these days, it’s tough to predict just how long it will be before we arrive.
Tip to tail, it’s about 3,500 miles of sailing across open ocean, so stocking the galley with the right kind of food before we depart is a high priority. As you can imagine, we’re checking and double checking that all-important shopping list.
Feeding a hungry crew
Our food provisions for the crossing include the usual suspects. Fridge and freezer space is limited, so it’s earmarked for a few perishables and any fish that we catch along the way. We’ve stocked plenty of rice, beans and other dry staples that store well without refrigeration and don’t take up too much space along with dried fruit.[pullquote]When you are out at sea under sail, peanuts are the nutritional equivalent of gold.[/pullquote]
Els has also made runs to the local farmers market in Sausalito for fruits and vegetables that are really fresh, so they’ll last longer during the crossing, including some of the hardier root vegetables like onions and sweet potatoes.
She is also cooking up hearty stews and soups to freeze. These heat-and-serve options are perfect meals on the open ocean, especially when the seas are rough and you are busy on deck. Plus, this homemade approach has a welcome bonus: It eliminates excess garbage and doesn’t leave a trash trail.
A night watch snack made better
One staple that we have plenty of is peanuts. During the Firebird journey, I relied on peanuts to fuel many activity-packed days, mostly in the form of peanut butter sandwiches. We must have had five or six cases of peanut butter on board. When you are out at sea under sail, peanuts are the nutritional equivalent of gold. For this time around, we also stocked XS™ Peanut Butter Crunch Energy Bars. This protein-packed bar will come in handy as a tasty, filling snack during night watches.
Cabbage: a salad staple for sailors
Of course, we have cabbage on board. It’s the salad staple for sailors with a well-deserved reputation: it’s nutrient-rich, gives dishes a nice crunch and, like root vegetables, it stores really well at room temperature.
I’m a fan of most varieties of cabbage, but I’ve been eating red cabbage more often these days, especially since the release of the 2014 Global Phytonutrient Report by the Nutrilite Health Institute. In this groundbreaking report, co-authored by my friend and colleague Dr. Keith Randolph, the research team discovered that most adults worldwide need to at least double – yes, double – their current intake of fruits and vegetables to meet the minimum recommended intake of five daily servings (or 400 grams). It’s an important goal as adults who consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day also consume dramatically higher amounts of phytonutrients – two to six times higher – that deliver key health benefits.
Red cabbage, in particular, helps boost the intake of phytonutrients in a big way. It has the highest total antioxidant content of all the cabbages, more than Savoy, Chinese or green heads, and is especially rich in anthocyanidins. Anthocyanidins give plants their reddish or purple color, but more importantly, they pull double duty with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits that help soothe tired, achy muscles after an active day at sea.
Filling the nutrient gaps
With good planning, we’ll be enjoying plenty of healthy meals during the crossing. Of course, I’ll be taking my Double X and other Nutrilite supplements to fill in any nutrient gaps between what the menu of the day will provide and what my body needs. I would never leave home – or set sail – without them.
Three days away and counting!
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Please specify your exact Nutrilite intake every day and thank you for the fantastic example you are setting – Paul Christophers
Hi Paul, Most mornings, Dr. Sam starts the day off with Nutrilite Protein, and of course the foundation of his supplement program is Double X. For details on other supplements he packed for the journey, check out the Double X Photo Album 1 at the following link: https://drsamsblog.com/double-x-photom-1-bon-voyage/. Enjoy a wonderful day. Thanks for following along!
Very interesting.
Bon Voyage.